Saturday, May 17, 2008

In New York City??!!

John F. Kennedy Airport
New York, New York (USA)
Thursday, 15, May 2008
Around 4:30 PM

I can't get over the wonderful people in my life and the wonderful people that I run into. I'm exhausted with joy, worry, love...airports! Being around this many people experiencing their experiences... my watching and thinking is amazingly tiring.

There is a man sitting with a cart, on a crate and I keep on thinking that he is a midget. There's a dog barking.

WTC, a dog in the airport? I would have brought Layla had I known you could!

I'm a freak, I love to people watch.

I feel like people are reading over my shoulder....hey you there, stop reading!!!

Anyway, this is such a great place, so full of everything you could ever dream of and at the same time,I constantly find is that it is just a place. It's just a place made up of people like you and me. They are not super human because they live in NYC, not that I thought that; however, it is one thing to imagine these places and another to meet and greet with them. It sounds like I'm saying be prepared to be disappointed but that isn't the case, simply furthers my belief that imagination is one of the most powerful elements that a person has and is vital to a happy existance. Not to take away from things and their splendor, simply it is what you make it, open your eyes to see the wonder. That simple, otherwise you may spend a lifetime disappointed.

*(written later that day) Taking a spin on what I said earlier: NYC is beautiful in the spring. People are on bikes, walking and talking; there are sailboats on the Hudson.

People are smiling, laughing-- Spring seems to have sweetened this "acquired-taste-city", if you may, or else my palate has become more sophisticated/ expectant to the bitters.

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