Prague, Czech Republic
Monday 26 May 2008
3:10 AM (USA)/ 9:10 AM (CR)
just washed my face. still being embraced by Morning's securing arms, sand left from my visitor scatters the floor. i'll have to sweep up after him again, it looks like. my dreams from the night before, whispers of what they were, hide in the corners of the room, sucking in their fat bellies to escape Truth's golden rays. time is running out and my demons have no where to hide in the light of day.
So last night I had and awful dream that Faran and I were in Rome and a war started. We were at the Coliseum and whoever they were bombed it with us in it. The wreckage was horrible but Faran and I found a tunnel. We met people along the way and then we found a laundry bag and it was suppose to help us somehow, when I ran into a girl from the Fire Princess pageant and I asked her if we could do this laundry in her cave because we heard she hand an underground room. She said no. Then I woke up.
I think I know why I had this dream. Faran and I went to the castle, which was beautiful!! Absolutely gorgeous, actually my favorite attraction. It was sunny (had to actually wear sunscreen), green green green!, birds were singing, people were out and then...we went to the dungeon. I don't know why but I could feel it creeping me out more so than normal on the steps leading down.
There was a body shackle to begin with, and then the typical medieval torture things. I got in and out as quick as possible, but it was weird to me how much it...scared me. I don't know. It was weird because Faran and I had such a marvelous day. (my next post will be about beautiful beautiful Prague....ahh, it's a lovely place. mind you I said PLACE, because the atmosphere other than the tourists, meaning the locals make me want to run far far away.)
But what I'm getting to is that this morning, while my senses were still capped by Sleep's quilt, I thought of my family. Every single one of you. I thought about Sunday lunch and the beach. I know there more memories than a bottomless pit could hold, but those two particular ones found me this morning and shooed away anything evil. Basically, you're prayers are being answered, big and small for me, from helping me not get lost or harmed here in Prague to hugging me in spirit when I have a bad dream, you all are helping me :)
Hope this wasn't a downer, I'm just overly emotional lately it seems, haha, now I want some chocolate, haha.
Anyway, obviously I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!! I will be seeing you soon but be assured that I'm having a wonderful time here and I don't regret at all coming to Prague, regardless of bad dreams and such.
ps the picture I uploaded is a great image to me, because
good stuff :) It's in the Prague Castle cathedral
1 comment:
hey christin it's alison. i'm so glad you're doing a blog, i am loving reading about all of your prague adventures! i hope you continue to have a good time and keep writing!
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